Performance Schedule
Masakazu Yoshizawa

Performances 2002

On September 21, Masa Yoshizawa will perform with Horokazu Kosawa in an original performance of Mare Tranquilllitatis (Sea of Tranquililty). Insipred by the harvest moon, this performance is one of the centerpieces of the 2002 World Festival of Sacred Music, that runs from September 14 through 29 in Los Angeles, California.

The title of the piece refers to the crater, Mare Tranquilititas, where visitors from Earth first set foot upon the moon.

The performance takes place at 8:00 pm, at the Japanese American Community Cultural Center's plaza in the Little Tokyo area of downtown LA.

Ticket information at JACCC headquarters and from the festival hotline a t 310/825-0507.

Past Performances

Sound Castle Yoshizawa
6696 Kimdale Rd.
San Gabriel, CA 91775-1740
(626) 292-2551
FAX 446-6159

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